Guarding the Good Deposit

"Follow the pattern of sound the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you." 2 Timothy 1:13, 14 *** Biblically-related ramblings from Pastor Jason, Northside Calvary Church, Racine, Wisconsin ***

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Speaking of evolution...

In yesterday's post I wrote of the 10,000 clergy who signed an open letter containing false statements and bad logic. Those statements were regarding the relationship between evolution and Scripture.

Interestingly, my wife overheard someone yesterday speaking of evolution in a different sense -- the evolution of God. The person was sharing how they were working their way through a book (I am assuming it was some type of "Bible" study) which taught people how to pray to the "evolving God."

The teaching of an "evolving God" can take two basic forms. One, that the One Supreme God is in the process of evolving (much like science claims we are evolving) and two, that human beings are gods in the process of evolving.

The second thought process is so ludicrous biblically that I refuse to spend time writing about it here. The first thought, though still ludicrous, must be corrected. In case you don't believe that this thought is out there, here are a couple of quotes:
"I want you to know me as I am now. The most important understanding I can convey about myself is that I am evolving. This understanding is crucial if you are to know me as I am, and not as I was. I have revealed myself to humans on many occasions, from before any of your histories can remember. Each time I have revealed myself, I have done so in terms the people receiving me could understand. Each time I have revealed myself as I was at that time. Because I am evolving, I am changing. I am now focusing more certainly than ever on love and intimacy with my other half, the Mother of Creation... and my union with her inside of you. And because humanity is evolving, you are changing. You are now much more ready to accept the role of host to our presence here on Earth."
This is nothing other than philosophical, new-age, mystical babbling that is supposedly from God. Sure, I believe that one....

This next one is from a Jewish Kabbalist:

But what I like about this notion is that it captures another aspect of God that I've been implicitly suggesting--that God is in the process of evolving. God is what we call an emergent--God is in the process of emerging and changing with us. So Rabbi Nachman read the line in our liturgy that said "Abraham knew You God from his youth" as something like "Abraham knew You God when You were still new in the God-business."

God may not have been fully evolved when She created human beings, and She needed human beings to assist in that process. God created human beings in order to become more self-conscious.

How do I contain myself??? Beside the fact that this writer goes entirely against the script of the Bible in calling God female (the Scriptures, even in the original languages, make very plain the reference to God as "He"), am I really to believe that God needed human beings in order to "become more self-conscious"? Am I to believe that God was at one time "new" to the "God-business"? Really, people! If those statements are true, then whomever this being is, he/she/it is not God. An inherent quality of God is that He must be unchanging!

This is why I continually harp on the fact that we need to stick to the Scriptures as God wrote them. They are our only source of absolute truth, written perfectly and without error. God does not evolve, nor does He "need" us in any way.

"For I am the Lord, I do not change..."
Malachi 3:6

"God is not a man, that He should lie..."
Numbers 23:19

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and comes down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
James 1:17

If God were to evolve or change in any way, then our future, our salvation, and His mercy and grace would be in doubt. Give Him praise for the fact that you can trust in His unchanging grace today.


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