Richard John Neuhaus has written in his journal,
First Things, about a conversation he had recently with a journalism student. The conversation turned to a question regarding political corruption."
"Is this something new?" she asked. "No," I said, "It's been around ever since that unfortunate afternoon in the garden." There was a long pause and then she asked, "What garden was that?" It was touching.
I hope that Mr. Neuhaus' last three words are dripping with sarcasm. I hope the reality of the woman's lack of biblical understanding struck him as incomprehensible (although his comment regarding the fall of man into sin as "unfortunate" speaks against that).
Incomprehensible? Well, perhaps that is a bit strong. We do live in a biblically illiterate society/world. A grounding in Bible and theology is not considered the norm, but rather the antithesis of accepted knowledge. Perhaps it would not be too far off to suggest that simply knowing what the statement "that unfortunate afternoon in the garden" means is to be labeled as "fundamental," "extreme," "right-wing," or "off-the-wall."
Let's go back to the conversation with the student--actually, to her response of, "What garden was that?" What does that suggest about our world? Let's see...
1. A lack of knowledge about the entrance of sin into the world. Since there is a lack of knowledge about the entrance of sin, perhaps there is a lack of understanding and/or belief in sin. If there is no belief in the reality of sin, then there are no absolutes -- no absolute truth, no wrong (which means that if you
think you are right, then you are right, because the individual makes up the rules), and that can lead to a denial of the existence of God.
2. A lack of basic biblical instruction.
3. If there is a lack of knowledge about sin, then more-than-likely, there is a lack of understanding about salvation. Did anybody ever share the Good News with this girl?
4. If there is a lack of salvation, then there is a basic lack in knowledge. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge...." Proverbs 1:7
5. If there is a lack of knowledge, then how can one be a good journalist who accurately reports the news?
The unfortunate part is that many who call themselves Christians could have the very same difficulty as did the student. According to
Barna surveys, even those who attend church regularly are deficient in their understanding of the Bible and basic theology. Thus, we have two problems: The inability and/or ineffectiveness of the church to teach Scripture in an expositional manner, and the inability and/or lack of desire in individuals to take the time and effort to read and study the Bible for themselves.
No wonder the world doesn't know about the garden....
My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you,
So that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding;
Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding,
If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures;
Then you will understand the fear of the Lord,
And find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding....
Proverbs 2:1-6