Guarding the Good Deposit

"Follow the pattern of sound the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you." 2 Timothy 1:13, 14 *** Biblically-related ramblings from Pastor Jason, Northside Calvary Church, Racine, Wisconsin ***

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Evangelist Drowns

Pastor Franck Kabele reportedly drowned off the western coast of Africa after telling his congregation that he could walk on water just as Jesus did. He went so far as to tell his church people that he had a revelation that if he had enough faith he could repeat the miracle.

Pastor Franck then walked into the water from the beach. The water eventually went over his head and he never came back.

Always be careful of those "revelations"--they might not be what you think they are. That is why we must always go back to the Scriptures to verify what we hear and feel. Emotions and suppositions should always take a backseat to God's revealed will for mankind.

With that in mind, why would God (or whomever) reveal to Pastor Franck that he could replicate the act of Jesus? The point of that miracle was to demonstrate the deity of Jesus (notice when Jesus gets in the boat the disciples worship Jesus saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."). Why would God want to demonstrate the deity of Pastor Franck when he is simply a created being?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Franck forgot one small detail - a created being cannot take a long walk on a short pier. :)

8/31/2006 07:38:00 PM  

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